F A Q ' S

**Do you work on commission?**

The simple answer to this question is no. In the past it was common for fundraisers to charge a percentage of each successful application to the client. However, it is becoming far less common these days. Our governing body, The Chartered Institute of Fundraising advises against commission only remuneration except in exceptional circumstances.

There are a few reasons this not ideal, firstly, it can put undue pressure on funders. If you put yourself in the shoes of the funder – if they know that the fundraiser is working purely on commission, then they know the fundraiser will not be paid if they say no. This is not a healthy relationship for a fundraiser and potential funder.

Also, Commission agreements do not offer the best value for the client. It can result in in excess or insufficient remuneration for the fundraiser. Fundraisers would have to charge a high commission rate to factor in the possibility that their applications, no matter how compelling, are turned down.

Instead, we charge for our time by the hour or by the day. We provide our clients with an excellent service; we listen to them and provide advice based on our experience. We write compelling funding applications which put our clients in a strong position for success.

Costs are inevitably linked with fundraising, including paying fundraisers. Our rates are reasonable and reflect our knowledge and experience. Although fundraising does incur costs, we aim to keep these as low as possible. They are often between 8% - 15% of the cost of a project.

There are many benefits to employing a fundraising consultant, to name a few:

Flexibility – We can work to suit the organisations budget; this helps to manage the costs. This can be as little as a few days per month or a certain number of days a year.

In-Depth Knowledge – We have an excellent knowledge of potential funders and charities.

Curiosity – As we are outside of your organisation we do not have ‘THE CURSE OF KNOWLEDGE’ that internal members of your team may already have. We can see your organisation for what it is and explain in plain English your superpower to funders.

Value – We can help your organisation get better results, faster for less money and help you present a more fundable proposal to funders.

If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help you, please do contact us. We would love to hear from you.

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