W H A T - O U R - C L I E N T S - S A Y
We can tell you all day long how great we are at what we do but our clients can tell you what they really think.
This testimonial came from Jonathan Thorburn, he is the man with the brains and passion behind the Allithwaite Community Pump Track Project. He knew exactly what he wanted when it came to the projects design - he was the expert in this field after all. However, funding applications can be tricky to navigate. He asked us to help him develop a 'case for support' document which explained in detail the need for the project in a compelling way.
Once the case for support was established Jonathan was able to use this document and began filling in application forms. We also offered support by proof reading the applications and offering suggestions to strengthen them.
Competition is high in trust and foundation fundraising so it is essential that your application stands out.
We are pleased to say that the project was a big success and Allithwaite Pump Track was officially opened 15th April 2022. Without the drive and ambition of Jonathan this would not be possible, see below for fantastic picture of this new local facility in use.
To find out more about how we can help you with this please contact us for a FREE one hour consultation